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How do I figure out my child's Little League Age?
Click here to view the Little League age calculator.

Am I zoned for WLL?
Wilson Little League has defined League Boundaries approved by our local District and Little League International.  Our Boundary Map and Description can be found here.  Due to recent changes in Little League, you can also register at WLL if you attend a school in the same area as our boundary zone.

What forms do I need to fill out for registration after signing up online?
After registering online We need to have a paper copy of several forms for Little League International.  The Player Registration, Medical form and Volunteer Forms are the three main forms to be filed for use by WLL. If your child is eligible for All-stars a copy of their Birth Certificate will also be required (If you have played in All-Stars for WLL anytime since 2015, a copy is already on file and will not be required)

Can I make a donation to the league?
Of course!  Wilson Little League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and we appreciate (and rely on) your financial support.  To make a donation, please click here.

Volunteering at WLL
Wilson Little League is a all volunteer parent run organization. The facility is owned by The City of Portsmouth and managed/operated by the WLL Board of Directors. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities to help out with. You can sign up during the registration process or contact us by email if you'd like to help out. It's a great way to get involved in one of your child's activities.

Game cancellations
We have several ways that we notify you in the event games need to be cancelled due to inclement weather.  If games do need to be cancelled, we post a message on our website and our Facebook page.  Your Team Parent and Coach will also be your final confirmation of changes to schedules or practices in regards to your individual team. 

1. All team members will be in full uniform while on the field of play during warm up and game play. The uniforms will be clean and in good condition. All uniforms will be tucked into the pants, and all baseball players will wear their hats at all times. Softball players will wear their visors if so required by their team Manager and/or coach. If the Manager or coach of a softball team requires his or her players to wear their visors, all the players are expected to wear their visors.

2. High school baseball and/or softball players arriving for their league game from their high school baseball or softball game will be required to wear Wilson Little League team jersey as a minimum for his or her respective team.

3. Players and spectators will show respect for the other teams at all times while on the field. Any show of disrespect may be addressed to the director of that division for further review.

4. Players are not allowed to leave the dugout during the game. They are also not allowed to hang around the fence and converse with spectators except in case of emergencies to relay information to parents and officials.

5. Players are not allowed to use any tobacco products on the field at any time while in uniform and on the compound of the League. Any player caught using tobacco products will be subject to disciplinary action as approved by the Division director and the Board of Directors.

6. Open disapproval of an umpires call by a player will be cause for ejection from the game, however, the umpire may reserve the right to issue a warning prior to ejection.

7. Starting times for all games will be determined by the schedule.

8. Home teams will have their field prepared by at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. The fields will be properly marked and all bases placed according to little league regulations. The umpires will obtain the balls that are to be used for game play from the concession stand. Umpires will also sign athletic cards for each game as required by the Portsmouth Dept. of Parks and Recreation.

9. Warm up sessions will start 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. The visiting team will be allowed to use the field for a 15 minute warm-up session. Home teams will have the final 15 minutes for their warm up session. The sidelines will be used for warming up pitchers and catchers, as they do not interfere with the team using the field for warm up.

10. There will be a two hour time limit on all games in all divisions, except T-ball. T-ball has a 90 minute time limit as stated in the Little League Handbook.

11. At the end of the game, if no other game is to follow, home teams are responsible for picking up and putting away the bases. On Saturdays, the last home team to play on a field will be responsible for ensuring that the field marking equipment and bases are safely put away.

12. At the end of a game, each team is responsible for cleaning their respective dugouts, and sidelines of all debris and equipment. When another game is to be played , each team is to get all debris and equipment out of the dugouts as soon as possible.

13. Players that intentionally remove their helmets during live play will be called out.

14. There is a one warning rule in effect for bat throwing in all divisions, with the exception of T-ball(see rule #14 of T-ball divisional rules). The umpire will be call the batter out if the bat is thrown again.

15. Players ejected from a game will be required to sit out the next game. The penalty requires players to be in proper uniform and sit the bench the entire game. The opposing Manager and/or coaches will be notified prior to the start of the game that a player is sitting out because of ejection. The second offense will require a review by the Board of Directors, and a minimum suspension of two games will be invoked. Players ejected a third time in a season will be suspended for the remainder of the season. 

1. T-ball and Minor League don't have first place teams.

2. Major League Championship team will be determined by the team with the best record. In the event of a tie there will be a one game playoff.

3. Junior/Senior League Championship for inter league play will be decided by the winning percentage of games played. In case of a tie, the team with the best record against other Wilson teams will be the first place winner. In the event there is a tie between the Wilson teams for the best record there will be a one game playoff.

4. MAJOR/JUNIOR/SENIOR LEAGUE SOFTBALL Championship determination is same as the Jr./Sr. baseball 

1. The age of T-ball players for boys will be five to seven years of age. Girls are permitted to play T-ball through age eight as they are not yet eligible for girl's softball. Provisions will be made for physical disabilities or learning disorders. The League director and the Player Agent will have authority to make decisions on this matter.

2. The League will provide team T-shirts and baseball caps that should be worn for all official games. Sneakers or rubber cleated baseball shoes are satisfactory footwear. Shoes with metal cleats are not permitted. Baseball pants are permitted but are not required.

3. The defensive team will consist of nine players at a time. Each player present for a game must be given a defensive position on the field for at least two full consecutive innings.

4. Pitcher and catcher have designated areas in relation to home plate. No other player can be closer than 48 feet from home plate.

5. The offensive team consists of all players present for a game. The nine players who are on the defensive team for a particular inning will be the first nine batters for that inning. All players will take a turn at bat in each inning.

6. A player who remains on the defensive team after the mandatory two innings will retain his/her position in the batting order. Substitutes will replace those players who are not remaining on a one-for-one basis. They do not have to take the same defensive positions as the player that they replace.

7. In case of inclement weather or impending darkness, Managers may agree to bat only nine players per inning.

8. A regulation game will consist of four full innings. At least two and one-half innings with the home team leading or three full innings with the visiting team leading must be completed to have an official game. A called game (less than two innings) will be determined by the League Director/Player Agent and both Managers or their representatives. If a game runs into extra innings, the nine batters or three outs rule, whichever comes first, will apply.

9. The ball will be hit off a tee which is placed on home plate. The defensive player who is listed as the pitcher must remain in contact with the pitching rubber until the ball is hit. When the umpire says "Play Ball" the pitcher must make a motion simulating a pitch. After that motion is made, the batter can then hit the ball. Failure of the pitcher to remain on the pitching rubber may result in a dead ball being called. If a play at home plate is likely to occur the tee should be removed from the home plate area by the umpire.

10. The batter must stand in the batter box with a proper batting stance. The batter's toes should be in line reasonable parallel to the line of the box closest to home plate. There are three basic positions in the batter's box: the front of the box, the middle of the box, and the back of the box. A batter may assume one of these positions, but may not change positions after the umpire has said "Play Ball". If, in the umpire's opinion, a batter failed to take a proper stance, he can call the play back and a strike can be called on the batter.

11. The batter will be allowed three swings or strikes. If on the third strike the ball is not struck, the batter will be called out. However, the umpire can make judgment calls regarding the batter making contact with the ball. For example, if it is apparent that the ball was not struck, a strike will be called; if the umpire feels that the batter made definite solid contact with the ball (Hit more ball than tee) the ball will be in play; if, however, the umpire feels that the batter hit more of the tee than the ball, the ball willed be ruled foul and out of play. Until the official call is made, the Managers should have should have their players continue running until called back by the umpire.

12. During the first half of the season, the umpire will issue a warning for a thrown bat. During the second half of the season, the umpire will call the batter out for throwing a bat. The out is effective after the ensuing play is completed.

13. All foul balls are out of play. A foul ball in T-ball is the same as conventional baseball, but also includes judgment calls by the umpire when a batter hits more of the tee than the ball. Also, a ball that comes to rest in the 15-foot arc will be ruled foul. The 15-foot arc will be drawn in chalk from baseline to baseline in front of home plate. If a defensive player can field a ball before it stops rolling, it is a live ball and a play can be made on the offensive team.

14. Base runner must remain in contact with he base until the ball is hit. If a defensive player overthrows the ball in an attempt to make a play on a base runner, the ball will be ruled dead. A runner may continue to the base but may not take additional bases. If the ball is hit fair into the outfield, all runners may advance as far as possible until it become dead. This occurs when the ball is thrown in from the outfield and is either caught by a fielder in the infield area or hits the infield dirt. For the purpose of this rule, the infield area includes the infield dirt within foul lines, the infield grass and foul territory between 1st and 3rd base and the home plate area. When the ball becomes dead, runners may advance to a base to which they have already started, but are in jeopardy of being tagged out. If a base runner overruns a base after the ball becomes dead, he will return to that base without jeopardy of being put out, (this is frequently a judgment call by the umpire).

15. This is an instructional league. A team may have as many as four adults within the fenced-in area at a time. Only three of these are to be serving as coaches, a "Team Mom" or other adult may be utilized to maintain decorum in the dugout. During the first half of the season, as many as two coaches will be allowed on the playing field in instruct their players. They must not interfere with the play. Managers and coaches may call time out to instruct players or to demonstrate a technique. Managers may have adult base coaches throughout the season. During the first half of the season, Managers who are not serving as base coaches must remain in the vicinity of their own team's dugout (this includes coaches). 


Minor/coach pitch 
1. The first half of the season is MANAGER/COACH/ADULT PITCH. The person designated to pitch must be a member in good standing and approved by the Board of Directors. The batter will be allowed 5 pitches. Strikes will be called only if the batter swings at the pitch. The batter will be allowed 3 strikes or 5 pitches, whichever comes first, to be called out. If the batter has not hit a fair ball or foul ball at the end of the five pitches, the batter is declared out. There will be no walks allowed in the first half. While at bat, if the batter hits 5 fouls balls, he/she will still be allowed to continue at bat until he/she misses; at that time the batter will declared out.

2. For the first half of the season, a strike will be called only when a batter swings at a pitch and misses, or if the batter hits the ball foul for the first two strikes. 

3. The person must deliver the ball in an overhand manner from a distance of approximately 46 feet. This does not mean a full windup must be performed, but no underhand tosses will be allowed.

4. In the event the adult pitcher is hit by a fair ball, either batted or thrown by a player in an attempt to make a play, the ball will be called dead and only runners that are forced to advance will advance on base (ex: a batter hits a fair ball with a runner on first, if the ball hits the adult pitcher then the runner on first advances and the batter advances to first. This does not allow a runner with a vacant base behind him/her to get a free advance to the next base). Every effort must be made on the part of the adult pitcher to allow the defensive players to field the ball.

5. There are no lead-offs and there will be no stealing in the first half of the season. Stealing will be allowed in the second half of the season per the Official Rules of Little League.

6. A runner on third base may advance in jeopardy at the appropriate time. However, should the runner begin progress back to 3rd base, the runner must return to the base.

7. There will be no adult pitcher in the second half of the season.

8. There is a six run rule per inning in effect through the fourth inning.


Major Baseball 
1. A player who attempts to steal before the ball has crossed home plate will be returned to the base if the base is still open, otherwise the runner will be called out. The runner will receive a first warning, but any subsequent illegal attempts to steal will be called out.

2. A runner on third base may advance in jeopardy at the appropriate time. However, should the runner being progress back to 3rd base, the runner must return to the base. 

Junior Baseball 
Headfirst sliding will be allowed in the Junior division. 

Senior Baseball 
Headfirst sliding will be allowed in the Senior division. 

Major Softball 
There is a six run rule per inning in effect through four innings. 

Senior Softball 
At this time there are no additional rules for this division. 

Big League Softball 

Minor League 

What if I need financial assistance to cover the registration fees?
WLL offers aid for those who need financial assistance.  Requests are handled confidentially through the President.  For more information, please email

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